Hi, I'm Kristian

Web developer and UX,UI enthusiast

Something short about me

Hey! I'm Kristian Dhimitri. I am a pasionate web developer, specialized in front-end development. I am currently finishing my last year at high school, after which I will pursue my software development degree. I'm looking forward to a career that will allow me to strengthen my skills by crafting marvelous projects that will impact tons of people.

Leaving aside my cybernetic life, I hit the gym everyday and read about financial strategies and self-development.

Web Developer


Fitness enthusiast

Technologies That I Use In My Projects

Below are demonstrated some of the projects I have done.

LinkedIn Clone

This LinkedIn clone was designed to imitate the original LinkedIn application. It contains user authentication, as well as message functionality. Was built using ReactJs, Material-UI, CSS and Firebase.

Travelling guide website

This is a travelling website, which covers all the frontend development principles. Was built using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.

Netflix Clone

Inspired by the netflix website, this is the netflix clone. It has the same design as the actual netflix website and its content is dynamically updated with the latest movies and shows. It was built using ReactJs, Material-UI, TMDB-as the source to get the shows and movies from and Firebase for hosting. It does not display the whole movie, but only a trailer of it.

Discord Clone

This is the discord clone. It has the same design as the actual Discord website. Users can log in with their google accounts and then start chatting with each other. You can also create new rooms to chat.

Scrolling effect website

This is a parallax-scrolling website. It explains what parallax-scrolling is.The content is dynamic and linked with the scrollbar change.


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